21 June



Siddhasana, commonly known as the Accomplished Pose, is a sitting asana that is great for practitioners of meditation, who hold it in a very high regard. In fact, many meditation practitioners look at the Siddhasana as the most important meditative asana after Padmasana. It is claimed by Yoga experts that this asana manages to purify the numerous energy channels that exist within our body.

How to Go About It
  • Sit down on the floor or your yoga mat and keep your legs at a close distance from each other.
  • The left foot should be first placed at the perineum, a soft tissue situated between the testes and the anus. For females, the corresponding area would be the labia majora.
  • Place the right foot over the left.
  • Make sure that the knees are in contact with the ground.
  • Keep your spine straight and press your chin against your chest.
  • Concentrate on your breathing, and maintain the pose for as long as comfortably possible.
The Benefits
  • One of the best asanas for meditation.
  • Better flow of energy through the body, especially in the spinal region.
  • The chakras of ‘Mooladhara’ and ‘Swadhistana’ are stimulated.
  • Practitioners of the Siddhasana are known to have greater control over their sexual urges.
  • It is a great asana to stabilize and calm the nervous system.
Safety Measures
  • People who have had recent surgeries in their back or hip region should not practice the Siddhasana.
  • Lower back pain sufferers are also recommended not to practice this asana.